👋 Hi there! I'm

Sanjana Natraj.

I'm a software engineer with a love for front end web development. I love building open-source projects and working with front end technologies/frameworks such as React, JavaScript, and more! Currently, I work as a full stack engineer @ Fidelity Investments.

cloud and a moon About

Hello! My name is Sanjana, and I 💗 building beautiful websites, interfaces, and apps. I particularly love all things web development and front-facing software. Based in the Bay Area, my interest in coding started when I was in high school, as I was surrounded by all sorts of people in tech. I particularly liked creating and designing websites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

While my main interests lie in front end development, I also have a bit of experience in backend technology, such as utilizing Flask and MySQL to build my own RESTful API. Some of my favorite courses in college were about databases, machine learning, NLP, and data visualization.

If you're interested in reaching out about anything, please do so by sending me an email or by using the contact form below. I'm also available on LinkedIn.

Here are a couple of technologies I've been using:

  • React
  • ES6 JavaScript
  • GraphQL
  • Node.js
  • Flask
  • Python
➡️More about me

spring flower Experience

Fidelity Investments

Full Stack Engineer
  • Developed client side features and UI changes for an equity research application with Angular and TypeScript
  • Implemented routes and services connecting to external APIs containing market data with Node.js
  • Wrote unit and E2E tests with Jasmine, Karma, and Cypress
  • Worked in an collaborative agile environment with a cross-functional team to receive design requirements and business analysis on features


Software Engineering Intern
  • Optimized website's loading speed by 43% by implementing infinite scrolling using React, Async JavaScript, and Flask
  • Implemented playlist functionality, explore page, and user profile pages with Bootstrap and SASS
  • Built 15+ reusable React components and methods for future use
  • Utilized HTTP Requests and Node.js to standardize connection to backend for client-server interaction

ARMUS Corporation

Software Engineering Intern
  • Developed a public health reporting website for displaying cardiovascular data from 30+ Washington hospitals with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Google Maps API
  • Used Jenkins, Docker, and XML to run local unit testing and fix over 100 registries
  • Crafted a mockup template of an educational module with data visualization of test results and a video player using Sketch


CodeU Intern
  • Selected for a 12-week invitation-only program, designed to provide practical coding experience and exposure to best industry practices
  • Built a chat application with a team of 3 using collaboration tools including Slack, GitHub and Google Hangouts
  • Constructed client-side features such as tokenizing user input, building an interest system and a conversation access control system with Java
  • Participated in regular code interviews with a Google Engineer



  • Served as Secretary of Society of Women Engineers @ UCSC
  • Organized hackathons, local Santa Cruz community outreach, and events to encourage women in STEM fields
  • Provided mentoring, career, and resume advice to club members
  • Used MailChimp to send weekly emails about meeting updates


Google Code Corps Volunteer
  • Guided students through CS First, a program that increases computer science exposure for young students
  • Taught elementary school students fundamental programming concepts such as for loops and conditionals


Connect with Google Student Champion
  • Selected to lead the Connect with Google Slack community by increasing social engagement, share coding resources, and organizing spaces to build relationships and collaborate offline

sun Projects

➡️View more details about my projects
Cup of coffee icon
 Third Wave Coffee Base

A RESTful API that details coffee product listings from third wave coffee roasters based in Northern California.

Website outline icon

The source code of this website, built with Gatsby and hosted on Netlify.

Robot face icon
 Ziro Studio

The explore page of Ziro Studio that displays robotics projects using a 3D Interactive Sandbox.

Plane icon
 Travel App

A web app that displays weather/forecast information depending on a travel destination.

Heat map graph icon
 Coffee Matrix

A progressive single page web application that journals coffee information with an interactive flavor matrix.

Globe of Asia icon
 Japan Population Density

A data visualization of Japan's popularity density per region in 2015.

University building icon
 UC Enrollment Viz

A streamgraph data visualization showing UC enrollment undergraduate numbers from 1961-2009 for all UCs sans UCSF.

Bug icon

A 2D web-based game where the player eliminates bugs that appear on the screen.

Links chained together icon
 Wikipedia Link Expander

A Google Chrome extension that shows a preview of other Wikipedia articles on hover.


blue globe Contact

I'm not actively looking for any opportunities right now, but I'd love to still say hello! You can either send me an email or use the form below to contact me. I'll try my best to respond as soon as possible!